#56: Employer Branding From the Top Down – How To Move Beyond Tactics and Leverage Your Employer Brand as a Strategic Asset

This week we welcome Heather Tenuto to the podcast. Before taking on her current role as CEO of The Muse Group (owners of The Muse and Fairygodboss), Heather spent her early career as a public school teacher before pivoting to a range of sales enablement and revenue growth roles, including VP of Channels at ShoreTel, VP of Sales (SMB Services) at Office Depot, and Chief Revenue Officer of Zift Solutions. Topics include: employer brand as a strategy vs. tactic, employer brand ambassadors, how to identify and activate employer brand ambassadors, the importance of incorporating regular employee feedback into employer brand management, DEI beyond gender and ethnic identity, and the value and power of introverts to an organization.  Heather TenutoCEO, The Muse GroupLinkedIn

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From generative AI, to DEI, the talent acquisition space has arguably never experienced a time of greater change. How will emerging technologies shape the recruiter and candidate experiences in the years to come? How is employer branding evolving from a “tactic” to a strategic asset that delivers value across the entire talent lifecycle? And what are the implications of all of this for making smart, data-driven decisions with limited advertising budgets?Each week we tackle these big questions and more with the industry’s leading voices as our guests. The Changing State of Talent Acquisition Podcast invites you to go beyond the same tired generalist voices and topics typical of “legacy” HR media and explore what emerging voices and unconventional thought leaders are saying about this dynamic time in our industry.