Episode #16 - Here's why messaging is worth investigating

We're starting something new with The Chat Bubble. This is the first episode in a series that will explain terms, share best practices, strategies and benchmarks for messaging and how organizations' approach to the channel. We're keeping these episodes short and of course we'll still be interviewing people in the space regularly.

This episode talks about messaging as a channel, and why it's worth understanding. 

I look at messaging as one of only 5 communication channels in existence (Face to face, mail, phone, email and messaging). It's a natural progression along the timeline of personal and business communication and messaging will be the primary communication channel on new devices (VR, AR, autos).

Hope you enjoy.

Om Podcasten

The Chat Bubble is a show about Messaging. We discuss messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, iMessage and WhatsApp - especially as a way for brands to communication with customers. A secondary focus is brand messaging, the psychology of the pitch and best practices around sales and marketing. The show combines interviews with shows discussing news and announcements about messaging channels and other companies in the space.