Episode 7 - Purple founders Rebecca and David

In my opinion, Purple has been the most successful Facebook Messenger campaign since the start of the Facebook Messenger platform. They started as an SMS campaign to explain 2016 election events clearly and in a non-partisan way. In the Summer of 2016 they migrated to Facebook Messenger and have grown a large and engaged list. Purple didn't end after election day. They send 1 or 2 daily messages to keep people up to date on US politics and there is a large initiative to help more people become trusted sources using Messenger. This episode is an essential listen if you're interested in messaging as a channel for communications.

Om Podcasten

The Chat Bubble is a show about Messaging. We discuss messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, iMessage and WhatsApp - especially as a way for brands to communication with customers. A secondary focus is brand messaging, the psychology of the pitch and best practices around sales and marketing. The show combines interviews with shows discussing news and announcements about messaging channels and other companies in the space.