We Review Investing Books So You Don't Have To

In this week's episode we take a dive into the hot investing books of 2020. We don't hold back on assessing the ups and downs of each book and whether we rate it for you. If you like any of the books, you can get them using the links below: Rich Dad, Poor Dad - https://www.booktopia.com.au/rich-dad-poor-dad-robert-t-kiyosaki/book/9781612680194.html A Random Walk Down Wall Street - https://www.bookdepository.com/A-Random-Walk-Down-Wall-Street-Burton-G.-Malkiel/9780393352245?redirected=true&selectCurrency=AUD&w=AF45AU9SCH1Q40A8V7VN&pdg=pla-293946777986:cmp-6919946397:adg-82581721111:crv-389775188388:pos-:dev-c&gclid=Cj0KCQiAsbrxBRDpARIsAAnnz_M4FQVd3zrICgpZKFf5B2al_n5nmLgj4hvbcecfeKWTLUTsYKXy4sIaAt4TEALw_wcB One Up On Wall Street - https://www.bookdepository.com/One-Up-On-Wall-Street-Peter-Lynch/9780743200400?redirected=true&selectCurrency=AUD&w=AF45AU9SSZCXN5A8V7VN&pdg=pla-293946777986:cmp-6919946397:adg-82581721111:crv-389775188388:pos-:dev-c&gclid=Cj0KCQiAsbrxBRDpARIsAAnnz_NG7hwj2J0oOz4KVIgj6keR7kD8VdGF0hxm071s7Ewgc44wltCHYLAaApvYEALw_wcB Principles by Ray Dalio - https://www.booktopia.com.au/principles-ray-dalio/book/9781501124020.html?source=pla&gclid=Cj0KCQiAsbrxBRDpARIsAAnnz_P415gZpaiEJgtkYC0P57fd8ru2AxD3UXirDpI1bGeMWVIkWkeFaz8aArR_EALw_wcB The Warren Buffett Way - https://www.worldofbooks.com/en-au/books/robert-g-hagstrom/warren-buffett-way/GOR001865173?gclid=Cj0KCQiAsbrxBRDpARIsAAnnz_Oz3PQVk-EtAoyZ6HpRPQxuZPuHMqQxafwkkIdahXVzy6aJ5ALNYfoaAtU1EALw_wcB Also, don't forget to check out our latest news and products at http://www.cheekyinvestor.com --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/cheeky-investor/message

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The Cheeky Investor Podcast gives you rule-breaking investing advice for rookie investors. We've thrown out the standard textbooks and instead focus on giving you the investing advice you won't hear from other investors. We cover a huge range of topics such as IPO's, investing in the US stock markets and even the mindset of a good investor. All of it is aimed at the beginner investor to help give you the tools and knowledge to back yourself in the investing world. Looking for Day Trading Advice for Aussies? Check out our sister channel Aussie Day Trader (https://aussiedaytrader.com/)