S2, Ep19: Fighting Fast Fashion with Venetia La Manna

This episode is brought to you by Vivo Life! Use our code 'chickpeeps10' to get 10% off your first order at vivolife.com! This week, Momo and Evy talk to the brilliant Venetia La Manna about making sustainability a factor in our wardrobe choices, and how the animals are not the only victims of the fashion industry we should be speaking up for. Venetia is a climate activist and sustainability expert, and in this episode she speaks about her journey that began with ethical veganism and evolved to her role as a slow fashion advocate which sees her speaking out passionately against the fast fashion industry, and inspiring people to embrace a lifestyle of consuming less. Also in this episode... Venetia shares why she considers that going vegan was ‘one of the best decisions’ she’s ever made. Venetia talks about her initial resistance to embracing slow fashion, and we talk about what makes someone ‘ready’ to learn about veganism and sustainability. Beyond vegan fashion: why cutting out animal derived fabrics isn’t enough. What is fast fashion? ‘What we’re forgetting is that when a garment is as cheap as it is, someone somewhere is paying for that. The similarities between factory farming and fast fashion factories. Are vegan materials made from plastic off the table now? We discuss whether or not being a sustainable vegan is a privilege or can it be accessible to all? What should you do if you can only afford to shop from fast fashion brands. Venetia names some of the worst offenders in the fast fashion industry. Are influencers helping or hindering the sustainable fashion movement? Venetia shares her non-negotiable morning routine and mindfulness practices that keep her mental and physical health in balance. Listener question from Jamie about the inherent frustration of being your friends’ ‘vegan google’ Links: Follow Venetia on Instagram, Youtube and Twitter! Check out Venetia’s website. Listen to Venetia’s podcast, Talking Tastebuds! Check out Venetia’s recommendations for learning about fast fashion:  The True Cost,  Kristen Leo’s Youtube  Eco-Age Social Media Twitter: @ChickPeepsPod Instagram: @ChickPeepsPod Facebook: @ChickPeepsPodcast Momoko Hill: @oh_momoko Robbie Jarvis: @robbjarvis Tylor Starr: @tylorstarr Evanna Lynch: @msevylynch

Om Podcasten

Hosted by Evanna Lynch, Robbie Jarvis, Momoko Hill and Tylor Starr, The ChickPeeps is a friendly, fun and free-flowing ethical vegan podcast driven by a quest to be more compassionate towards animals.