The Chris Voss Show Podcast – A Woman on Top: My Journey of Self-Discovery Through Love and Money by Suzanne Leydecker

A Woman on Top: My Journey of Self-Discovery Through Love and Money by Suzanne Leydecker What if your greatest gift feels like your greatest curse? Recently divorced and a newly single mother of three, Suzanne Leydecker had just begun to create a new life for herself and her children in Aspen, Colorado. Suddenly, after the death of both her parents, Suzanne inherited more money than she had ever imagined at the age of 47. All her problems were solved, right? Wrong. It was like winning the lottery. In some ways, life did get easier. But she didn’t anticipate how it would make her relationships with men a lot harder. The double-edged sword of inherited wealth became her enabler and her curse. Would she ever be able to have a successful, equal, supportive, long-term relationship? Or do love and money never mix? Honest, raw, extravagant, devastating, intimate, shocking, and often funny, A Woman on Top is one woman’s open-kimono story of how wealth impacts relationships when she holds the purse strings. Ultimately Suzanne discovers that the issue isn’t really about money. It’s about how we value ourselves, how we take responsibility for our lives, and how men and women can value each other as society continues to change.

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