The Chris Voss Show Podcast – Beyond the Hammer: A Fresh Approach to Leadership, Culture, and Building High Performance Teams by Brian Gottlieb

Beyond the Hammer: A Fresh Approach to Leadership, Culture, and Building High Performance Teams by Brian Gottlieb “Brian’s book inspires both successful individuals and future entrepreneurs, urging them to embrace challenges and pursue growth.” – Wolfgang Puck Employees that don't take ownership of their work Friction between departments Inconsistent results These are the top challenges that face most businesses today. These common issues create high turnover and force managers into crisis mode where they're consumed putting out daily fires. Over time, the very nature of the business changes and a new culture emerges; one shaped by the lowest level of acceptable behavior. Beyond the Hammer approaches these concerns in two highly engaging sections: First, a fictional story of George, a business owner struggling with burnt out employees, high turnover, and frustrated customers. Readers follow George as he discovers five foundational pillars of leadership that have the power to build teams that perform at a high level, consistently. The second section shifts from storytelling to strategy, providing an actionable path to weaving these 5 pillars into any business, enabling leaders to integrate these principles into their daily operations seamlessly. Written for managers and leaders alike, Beyond the Hammer offers a simple yet powerful approach to creating a team where everyone is aligned, and properly positioned to win.

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