The Chris Voss Show Podcast – Carbon is not a Dirty Word, A Guide To Carbon, Markets, Governance & Nature-Based Solutions By Samantha Jewel

Carbon is not a Dirty Word A Guide To Carbon, Markets, Governance & Nature-Based Solutions "... a game-changer in environmental sustainability. Her insightful and engaging exploration of carbon markets demystifies a complex subject and provides practical solutions for a sustainable future." Ryan Babbage "Carbon is Not a Dirty Word" is a comprehensive guide to understanding one of the most crucial elements on our planet: carbon. Samantha Jewel, with her unique background in both the food industry and environmental advocacy, takes readers on a journey to explore the intricate connections between carbon, climate change, and sustainable markets. Drawing from her rich personal history—from her family's pioneering role in the Australian restaurant industry to her groundbreaking work in soil carbon credits—Jewel provides readers with a clear and accessible roadmap to navigating the complex world of carbon markets and nature-based solutions. This book breaks down the science of carbon, explains the importance of carbon credits, and highlights the urgent need for governments, businesses, and land stewards to collaborate with nature rather than against it. Jewel’s insights into how carbon can be measured, validated, and traded as a commodity offer a pragmatic approach to addressing climate change while ensuring that nature's dynamic processes are respected and preserved. "Carbon is Not a Dirty Word" serves as both a practical guide and a call to action, encouraging readers to understand the pivotal role carbon plays in our ecosystem and the financial mechanisms that can drive positive change. With a focus on the potential of the carbon market to rebalance our climate, this book is essential reading for anyone looking to contribute to a sustainable future.

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