The Chris Voss Show Podcast – CONEtrolled: How we’ve lost our freedom and how to reclaim it by Nava Israel Ph.D.

CONEtrolled: How we've lost our freedom and how to reclaim it by Nava Israel Ph.D. How is space travel like communism, science like religion, sports like cosmetics, and organized crime like medicine? These and almost all other areas in our lives operate in a remarkably similar manner that doesn’t do us any favours. The Cone Model developed by Dr. Nava Israel describes a recurring pattern in which we start with well-meaning solutions to address our needs and end up with dogmatic systems that rob us of our freedoms and worsen our problems. This book will take you on a journey to uncover the inner workings of the systems that oppress and control you under the guise of wisdom, necessity, kindness, greatness, unity, or progress. It will explore hidden truths you were taught to ridicule or ignore to keep you compliant, and help you rediscover your power and ability to build a better future as an individual, a member of your human tribe, and an integral element of this planet. About the author Nava Israel is a lifelong innovator, entrepreneur, author, researcher, facilitator, speaker, educator, a business and academic consultant, and a social and cultural innovator with a PhD in epidemiology. Beyond formal titles, she is a philosopher at heart with an insatiable curiosity for all forms of science, critical thinking, human behaviour, patterns, social justice, true and deep healing, our place in the universe, and the intersections of all the above.

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