The Chris Voss Show Podcast – Getting Divorced… Now What? Your Go-To-Guide On How To Make The Process Of Divorce Less Painful by Rachel King

Getting Divorced… Now What? Your Go-To-Guide On How To Make The Process Of Divorce Less Painful by Attorney Rachel King Rachel King, lead litigation attorney at King Law Firm Attorneys at Law, Inc., has a new book being released soon. We talked to Rachel about the book, Getting Divorced… Now What? and the challenges one might face when representing themselves during divorce. 1. What is Getting Divorced… Now What? It is everything I have learned over a decade of practicing litigation. It is my attempt to share the inside scoop on divorce in a way that is helpful for individuals facing divorce, which includes case studies, general legal information, tips and tricks—all written without legalese. 2. What Inspired you to write the book? I found that the expectations clients have in a divorce vary hugely but are also unrealistic when compared to the law and are often driven by emotion. This can cause a person to get completely off track and make their case worse. I wanted to share a different perspective, one that many people never get (details attorneys feel are unpopular) attorneys feel the or have to pay a lot of money for (hiring their own attorney). 3. How did you choose the real-life stories included in the book? I’ve watched thousands of people in court—I’ve seen it all. So, I looked at a lot of common scenarios and tried to pick situations that are most likely to be encountered or that illustrate a specific issue in the best way. My goal is to share stories that show ‘you are not alone’ while bringing credibility to the information I am sharing. Of course, the real-life stories included in the book are only based on people and families; the details and the players in each one have been changed. 4. Do the stories offer a comprehensive look at the challenges faced during a divorce? I definitely had to balance comprehensive with taking people down the rabbit hole. (Believe me, I could have written an entire series—and maybe I will!) My goal is to be a helpful resource, not a law school course. Therefore, I focused on what I considered the most common issues, and concepts that are misunderstood, or unpopular realities that no one is talking about in divorce. 5. In your opinion, what is the most influential real-life story in the book? I love the stories that share empowerment. Divorce is hard. Showing that people can have a successful outcome through divorce is important; or maybe even better, can have a successful post-divorce life even if they lose. I really want to show people that the law is different than the dream. Understanding that early can make the process more tolerable. 6. What are some common misconceptions when representing yourself in a divorce? Hands down—that you get special treatment because you don’t’ have an attorney. Not the case. The court may be more patient, but you will be held to the same standards as the attorney sitting across the table from you. This is most difficult when it comes to presenting a case in trial and getting in evidence. 7. What are the top three mistakes people make when representing themselves in a divorce? Making decisions in their own case based on what happened to their friend. Not taking the time to understand the law. Thinking you get special treatment and that the court will let it slide just because you are representing yourself. 8. Does Getting Divorced… Now What? Help readers understand the financial implications of divorce, both during and after? There is definitely discussion about dividing assets, debts, and child and spousal support. Because, let’s face it, divorce causes financial upheaval. But fear not; this is not an economics class, and you don’t have to do math. 9. How can Getting Divorced… Now What? mentally prepare someone for divorce (and to represent themselves through the divorce)? It gives a global understanding of divorce, which can be used as a starting point when preparing for divorce,

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