The Chris Voss Show Podcast – MEHscapology: How to turn your “carbon copy” B2B company into a growth machine with differentiation, positioning and un-turn-downable offers by Matt Hodkinson

MEHscapology: How to turn your "carbon copy" B2B company into a growth machine with differentiation, positioning and un-turn-downable offers by Matt Hodkinson So many B2B companies strive to achieve their growth ambitions by investing headlong into the latest marketing strategy or sales tactic, in the fervent belief that more activity produces more deals. But without a rock-solid market position and a core message that runs through the very fibres of your business presence, no amount of content, publicity, outreach or advertising will bring you the levels of success you desire. In MEHscapology, positioning and differentiation virtuoso, Matt Hodkinson, brings you a step-by-step formula for transforming your market presence and core business language. You'll learn the extent to which poor positioning is costing your company, the vital importance of differentiation in making your proposition the only viable option to your buyers, and how language drives perception; the key driver to influencing and building trust with your target audience. Packed with practical advice and real world examples, MEHscapology shows you exactly how to ditch the dull, and earn the attention you deserve for your soon-to-be-thriving business. About the author Matt Hodkinson is Founder and Chief MEHscapologist at TGO (Total Growth Ownership). Matt has worked directly with more than 250 consultancies, managed service partners, and other B2B organisations over the past 13+ years, helping them to find their “unordinary” and realise their marketing potential, without the need to become a high-volume content production outfit. He lives in Surrey, UK, with his “out of his league” wife and two incredible daughters.

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