The Chris Voss Show Podcast – Men of Grit – Into the Wilderness: A 40 Day Challenge to Renew Your Faith, Restore Your Masculinity, and Re-energize Your Family by Jerry Adams, Timothy Reigle

Men of Grit - Into the Wilderness: A 40 Day Challenge to Renew Your Faith, Restore Your Masculinity, and Re-energize Your Family by Jerry Adams, Timothy Reigle Men of Grit - Into The Wilderness: A 40-Day Challenge to Renew Your Faith, Restore Your Masculinity, and Re-energize Your Family is a bold call to reject comfort and complacency. Today is the day to rise from the couch, don the full armor of God, and engage in the fight! Words alone won't change men or the world; it’s time to take action! This book serves as a rallying point for Christian men to unite and wage the noble battle of faith side by side, becoming the strong men and warriors God designed and saved us to be. These 40 days will challenge you to face yourself, push you out of your comfort zone, and, using Biblical principles, guide you to become a Godly “Man of Grit.” Whether you're married with children or single, God has a purpose for you as a man. This challenge will help you discover it. You’ll develop a closer, more intimate relationship with Jesus, learn the Biblical roles of men as leaders, husbands, and fathers, and build a legacy of unbreakable strength. You will be tested, face trials and temptations, and emerge on the other side as a mighty warrior of the King, powerful in faith, confident in your masculinity, and strong in leading your loved ones in the ways of God. Are you ready to step up, embrace the challenge, and enter Into the Wilderness?

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