The Chris Voss Show Podcast – Mindset Training: Conquer Your Mind and the Rest Will Follow by Nekeshia Hammond

Mindset Training: Conquer Your Mind and the Rest Will Follow by Nekeshia Hammond IT’S YOUR TIME Billions of people struggle through life filled with self-doubt, a high level of stress, a lack of self worth, and live lives they prefer was different. However, they have been that way for so long that they don’t know what to do to change for the better. Sadly, people feel they don’t have the time to put into self-care, while others feel they aren’t worthy of self-care. In her 4th book, Mindset Training, Dr. Nekeshia Hammond, founder of Hammond Psychology & Associates and an elite executive coach, provides fresh, easy-to- apply strategies anyone can apply to live the lives of their dreams. Self Care isn’t Selfish If you struggle with being stressed out, overworked, underappreciated, unmotivated, and overall feeling like you should be getting more out of life, this book is for you. “I have had the honor of traveling to many states and countries and have seen and heard stories of how people are struggling with anxiety, depression, and so many other things but do not understand how to turn their lives around. If they understood the value of taking care of themselves and took even baby steps in that direction, they would drastically change for the better and show up the right way for those around them.” —Dr. Nekeshia Hammond You’ve waited long enough to heal from the inside to show out on the outside. Buckle up. Grab a highlighter and a pen and begin training your mind to win the game of life. You know you deserve more; it’s time to get it. It’s time for you to unleash the real you!

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