The Chris Voss Show Podcast – No Remorse No Regret (Counterstriker’s Revenge) by Ian Worrall

No Remorse No Regret (Counterstriker's Revenge) by Ian Worrall Once a victim... a killer. At the age of 19, Melissa's hopes and dreams were literally drowned when she was stuffed in a sports bag, tied to a cinder block and thrown into the sea. Mistaken for a shipment of dope, she is rescued. Indebted to the man who rescued her, she dispatches his enemies and carries on a personal side mission enacting revenge on behalf of women who've been raped. But the serial killer who left her to drown resurfaces. And goes on his own personal mission to take out the one that got away. With the police hunting them both, who will win the cat and mouse game?About the author Hello and welcome to my author page. I accomplished a goal and dream to write a novel, that being No Remorse No Regret which was followed up by the sequel, No Rest For The Vengeful. I will soon within the next year have the parallel story to No Remorse published along with Message In A Bottle which will be the third, chronologically speaking, in the series. Things I enjoy doing outside of writing, weight training, yoga, martial arts, drumming and archery. I am a lifelong fan of the Edmonton Oilers and I am one of the biggest Iron Maiden fans in the world.

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