The Chris Voss Show Podcast – Pickleballers by Ilana Long

Pickleballers by Ilana Long A pickleball newbie looking to recover from life’s swings and misses crosses paddles with love in this debut romantic comedy. Meg Bloomberg is in a pickle. When Meg’s ex turns out to be a total player, she and her bestie take off for a mood-lifting pickleball excursion to Bainbridge Island. It’s supposed to be an easy lob, a way to heal, not the opening serve to a new courtside romance that’s doomed to spin out. No matter how Meg tries, she can’t shake her feelings for Ethan Fine. A charismatic environmental consultant and Bainbridge local, Ethan seems like the real dill. But when Meg discovers that Ethan is sabotaging her home court, she decides the match is over. It’s time for Meg to take control of her own game. And maybe, just maybe…love will bounce back.About the author Ilana Long is the author of PICKLEBALLERS, a romantic comedy. Preorder for Novemeber 12, 2024! A pickleball newbie looking to recover from life’s swings and misses crosses paddles with love in this debut romantic comedy. Other books: ZIGGY'S BIG IDEA (Kar-Ben, Lerner Publishing, 2014) noted for its “dialogue-driven approach” (Kirkus review.) Several of her non-fiction essays are published in CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL (2016-2021) Simon & Schuster. Ilana is the author of a regular column for "The Tico Times", Costa Rica’s national English language newspaper, readership 12,000. Besides writing, Ilana travels and lives abroad, hikes, paints, acts, sings, teaches, and parents her twin teens.

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