The Chris Voss Show Podcast – Playing the Wealth Game: The Strategies Behind Financial Moves That Win by Freddie Rappina

Playing the Wealth Game: The Strategies Behind Financial Moves That Win by Freddie Rappina Do you want to transform your financial future? Build the kind of wealth you’ve always dreamed of having? Create a brighter financial future simply by changing your wealth game? Wealth-building isn’t just luck or happenstance—it’s a series of strategic moves that take you from where you are today to where you dream of being tomorrow. It’s all about playing the right game, and playing it well. Just as you would develop a strategy to win at Chess or Checkers, you need to do that for your money. This book outlines the strategies and mindset the biggest companies and the wealthiest people are using to build their fortunes so that you can do the same. By elevating your own game, you can do more than fund a retirement plan—you can create a long-lasting financial fortune and design the life of your dreams!About the author Freddie Rappina spent years building extensive experience and qualifications, including becoming a Chartered Financial Consultant™ Accredited Investment Fiduciary™, Retirement Income Planning Specialist™ and Chartered Life Underwriter™. He also amassed a comprehensive set of certifications, including Series 7, Series 63, Series 65, Series 22, and Series 6 registrations. This education and experience have given him the skills to conduct thorough assessments of his clients' financial situations and craft tailored recommendations to optimize their wealth management strategies.About the author Freddie Rappina spent years building extensive experience and qualifications, including becoming a Chartered Financial Consultant™ Accredited Investment Fiduciary™, Retirement Income Planning Specialist™ and Chartered Life Underwriter™. He also amassed a comprehensive set of certifications, including Series 7, Series 63, Series 65, Series 22, and Series 6 registrations. This education and experience have given him the skills to conduct thorough assessments of his clients' financial situations and craft tailored recommendations to optimize their wealth management strategies.

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