The Chris Voss Show Podcast – Resilience: Picking Up My Shattered Pieces: A Journey of Finding Courage and Strength Through Earthquake Moments by Dr. Tristina Anderson

Resilience: Picking Up My Shattered Pieces: A Journey of Finding Courage and Strength Through Earthquake Moments by Dr. Tristina Anderson In "Resilience: Picking up My Shattered Pieces," Dr. Tristina Anderson takes readers on a profound journey of self-discovery and resilience. Through a series of "earthquake moments," she transforms life's uncertainties into opportunities for growth. Tristina candidly reflects on relationships, career choices, and personal struggles, sharing insights on brave thinking and bold actions. This memoir explores themes of forgiveness, gratitude, and vulnerability, highlighting her roles in authentic living and deeper connections. Tristina's heartfelt anecdotes encourage readers to reflect on their own journeys and embrace their unique paths. "Resilience" is a testament to the power of self-discovery and the pursuit of a life filled with purpose and fulfillment. Join Tristina on a transformative journey of healing and intentional living.

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