The Chris Voss Show Podcast – The Magic of Yes: Embrace the Wise Woman Within by Lori Pappas

The Magic of Yes: Embrace the Wise Woman Within by Lori Pappas Curious and ambitious women of all ages want to know what is possible; they want to be inspired, to feel safe, valued, and respected. Does this sound like you? The Magic of Yes is a captivating common-sense guide that will help you leverage what you already possess, build on your strengths, and shed old habits and "supposed-tos" that block your way. Lessons extracted from the journey of humanitarian and entrepreneur Lori Pappas and those of other extraordinary ordinary women, supported by expert advice and research, offer pathways to overcoming adversity, discovering inner balance, and ultimately finding peace.Embracing the wise woman within is a lifelong journey that involves continuous learning and incorporating feedback, taking risks, aligning actions with personal values, and cultivating an attitude of gratitude. It takes time, energy, and an intentional mindset-but it's worth it. Lori's journey is a testament to the power of saying yes to curiosity, empathy, creativity, love, and, most importantly, to oneself.

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