The Chris Voss Show Podcast – The Wounded Physician Project by Curtis G Graham MD

The Wounded Physician Project by Curtis G Graham MD The Wounded Physician Project is a fresh investigation into and the solution for the primary causes of private medical practice financial failure which today impacts not only the disintegration of private medical practice but also the overwhelming increasing attrition of physicians today. The root cause has been ignored completely by medical educators for a century in spite of knowing the importance of resolving this issue and the enormous value and benefits it provides for every practicing physician today. The complete elimination of these problems that all physicians in private medical practice have always had and now today is responsible for the frustration and deep disappointment over 50% of physicians have with their careers in medicine, can be resolved almost immediately. The implementation of some very critical educational elements into the medical school curriculums is the answer to this persistent egregious enigma that is far overdue and mandatory. The healthcare and medical profession are going through a revolution now that will not only destroy professional healthcare providers careers but also will become the greatest impediment for quality medical care in our nation if the contents of this book are not heeded.

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