The Chris Voss Show Podcast – Why Can’t I Sleep Well?: 150 Common Sleep Questions Asked and Answered by Andrew Colsky LPC

Why Can't I Sleep Well?: 150 Common Sleep Questions Asked and Answered by Andrew Colsky LPC “Why Can’t I sleep Well? 150 Common Sleep Questions Asked and Answered" is a comprehensive book that addresses common sleep issues, providing readers with clear, accessible answers to 150 frequently asked questions. The book covers a wide range of topics, including sleep disorders like insomnia, sleep apnea, and restless leg syndrome, as well as everyday concerns such as difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or feeling tired despite a full night's rest. It delves into the science of sleep, explaining the role of circadian rhythms, the stages of sleep, and the impact of diet, exercise, and lifestyle on sleep quality. Through a straightforward question-and-answer format, the book offers practical advice on how to establish a healthy sleep routine, optimize your sleep environment, and address the psychological and physical factors that might be affecting sleep. The author, an expert in Behavioral Sleep Medicine, draws on the latest research to provide evidence-based solutions, making this book a valuable resource for anyone struggling with sleep-related problems. Whether you are looking for ways to improve your sleep hygiene, manage stress and anxiety, or understand the benefits of napping, this book is a one-stop guide for better sleep and overall well-being.

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