122: The Breath of Health and Fat Loss

The most efficient breathing rhythm is 5.5 second inhales followed by 5.5 second exhales through your nose. Overbreathing or breathing through your mouth causes major metabolic and overall health problems. Breathing too much and too fast are the breaths of stress and fear. And you know God didn’t give us the spirit of fear! On top of that, chronic mouthbreathing leads to poor focus and mood, weight gain, periodontal disease, sleep apnea and many more health issues. We are meant to breathe through our noses. After all - God DID breathe life into man through the nostrils. Listen to this week’s podcast to learn how breathing efficiently is one of the foundational pillars of good health and metabolism. For more information and to access the show notes for this episode, visit my website here: https://www.thechristiannutritionist.com/podcast/122

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This podcast is here to fire you up in Spirit, Mind, and Body so you can get out into the world and be everything God created you to be. Welcome to The Club!