Explainer - how does asthma work?

Asthma is one of the most common conditions - there are 8 million of us in the UK who suffer from it.  t can range from the needing a quick puff on your inhaler if you exercise and there’s a lot of pollen about it, to serious, fatal attacks, there’s still a lot we don’t know. That’s what this interview with our respiratory physician Matthew Martin is all about. One of the things we’re not sure about is to do with how people with inhalers use them - short version, we might doing it all wrong, then again we might not, this is research after all - and that’s what  the second bit of the interview you’re about to hear covers. More on the APEX trial: https://nottinghambrc.nihr.ac.uk/research/respiratory/airway-disease-theme

Om Podcasten

Getting to the heart of clinical research through the views of world-leading researchers, scientists and academics involved in answering the big questions about our health. From experimental medicine through to understanding common illnesses like asthma and arthritis, we discuss the latest research, what it means for our health and what scientific discoveries are next. This Podcast is brought to you by the Research & Innovation team at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. Follow us on @ResearchNUH and @NottmBRC, or email R&Icomms@nuh.nhs.uk.