The Cloudcast #250 - A Platform View of Application Migrations
Aaron talks with Sinclair Schuller (@sschuller; CEO/Founder of @Apprenda) about news at Apprenda, the Kubernetes community, legacy apps vs. cloud native apps and why architecture is critical in a PaaS platform.
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Show Notes:
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- Topic 1 - How are things going at Apprenda? It’s been way too long...l
- Topic 2 - What is the state of “Platforms” these days? Are they structured vs. unstructured, Docker-capable vs. Non-Docker, or some other dominant architectural characteristics?
- Topic 3 - Do platforms actually help companies build applications “faster”, or are they mostly there to automate the infrastructure and services under a platform?
- Topic 4 - We read a whitepaper talking about how Apprenda helped a customer migrate 70+ applications to the platform in a really short period of time. What do these migrations look like?
- Topic 5 - Apprenda recently added Kubernetes. What are the details around that and what value does it bring to customers?
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