The Cloudcast #251 - IT Tricks that SaaS services Forget
Brian talks with Gina Minks (@gminks, PMM for @SpanningBackup) about the growth of SaaS applications, who pays for SaaS, who manages SaaS and the most frequent mistakes companies make in using SaaS applications.
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- Gina's Blog
- Spanning Backup for SaaS Applications
Show Notes:
Topic 1 - Welcome back to the show, it’s been since Eps.68. What are you up to these days?
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- Topic 2 - Let’s talk about the SaaS market in general. It’s about a $75-80B market in 2016, growing at 20% CAGR. What big trends are you seeing in SaaS?
- Topic 3 - We’ve both been around “traditional IT” for a while. What do you see that’s different about SaaS - who buys it, what’s the process, how do they think about on-going maintenance, etc.?
- Topic 4 - Let’s get into your world - backing up SaaS applications. Give us the basics. What are the big mistakes most people make? Where does the backed up data go?
- Topic 5 - The challenge with SaaS is that some applications go away, or they radically change their pricing model. Are there now utilities that will convert data to use other SaaS services?
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