Dyslexia - Susan Barton - The Barton System

An Internationally Recognized Expert in Dyslexia Ms. Barton is a frequent and popular speaker at conferences focusing on Dyslexia, Reading Instruction, Early Intervention and RTI, and Adult Literacy issues. Susan is also an instructor ofPhonemic Awareness andMultisensory Teaching Techniquesthrough the University of California, of Learning Disabilities at West Valley College, and of the graduate-level courses Screening for Dyslexia,Tutoring People with Dyslexia, and Understanding Dyslexia and ADHD through the University of San Diego Dyslexia is the most common reason a bright child will struggle with spelling, writing, or reading. But it affects many other areas as well. Children with dyslexia also have difficulty: Memorizing their address, the alphabet, or their multiplication tablesLearning to tie their shoesWriting some letters or numbers backwards past the end of first gradeLearning to tell time on a clock with handsTelling left from right. Confusing letter pairs such as b-d, b-p,p-q, or g-jSaying sounds in the right order in multi-syllable words such as animal, spaghetti, hamburger, consonantHandwriting: their letters don’t sit on the line,  there may be odd spacing between their words,  tall letters are sometimes written as short ones, tails don’t always hang below the line,  sentences often don’t start with capital letters, and  punctuation is often left out.

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