The Best of The Coffee Klatch - Sensory Processing Disorder

Dr Lucy Miller founder Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation, author of groundbreaking "Sensational Kids: Hope and Help for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder" and developer of nationally standardized the Miller Assessment for Preschoolers (MAP) to assess preschool children with developmental disorders including Sensory Processing Disorder. Carol Kranowitz author of the best selling book "The Out Of Sync Child" and "Growing an Insync child" along with Hartley Steiner author of Gabrielle Making Sense of School join Marianne Russo to discuss recent misrepresentations of Sensory Processing disorder.

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Award winning, world renowned authors, psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, advocates and respected children's foundations join us to help you better understand a special needs child.... and yourself. You are your child's best advocate - if not you then who - become an informed educated parent here at The Coffee Klatch.