Your Legal Toolbox - Part 2 - Special Ed Law for kids with behavioral issues

Guest Bonnie Schinagle - Special Education Attorney Part 2 The IDEA FAPE - Free Appropriate Public Education LRE - Least Restrictive Environment What if my child isn’t failing but is unable to learn or attend class due to behaviors? What are different classifications for children and teens with mental illness or behavioral issues? Do I have to use an attorney to get my child classified?  What rights attach to someone who has been classified? What if my child has been classified and I don’t think that problems are being solved? The District offered my child a seat in a program and I’ve heard things about it that I don’t like and feel it will worsen her behaviors, do I have to accept it? How can parents enroll their child in a private school that best accommodates their child at district expense?  Is an IEP a legal contract?

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