Ep208 - Nathan Winograd

Interview! Nathan Winograd, Executive Director, The No-Kill Advocacy Center, Part 1

“It’s actually the policies and procedures of the shelter that are responsible for whether animals die in shelters.”

It’s hard to name a field of animal welfare that Nathan Winograd doesn’t have experience in: his animal advocacy work started while attending Stanford Law School, and since then he has worked in animal control, consulted for and ran animal shelters, written animal protection legislation, prosecuted in animal cruelty cases, taught at Cornell School of Veterinary Medicine, spoken internationally on animal welfare topics, and written five books! One such book, Redemption, details the “no-kill” revolution in the United States and advocates for no-kill communities, not just no-kill shelters.
In Part 1 of this two-part episode, Nathan gives a detailed description of both his history in animal welfare and the evolution of the sheltering industry in general. Nathan also defines what he means by “no-kill” community, and Stacy discusses with him what that could mean for the future of community cats.
To learn more about Nathan’s work, you can visit nokilladvocacycenter.org or nathanwinograd.com.

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