Kristen Hassen, Maddie’s® American Pets Alive! Director overseeing Human Animal Support Services (HASS)

Kristen Hassen is the Maddie’s American Pets Alive! Director overseeing Human Animal Support Services (HASS) and serves as a board member of the National Animal Care & Control Association. Kristen describes HASS as the result of almost 1,000 animal welfare professionals coming together to recognize that the current animal services system is broken. Focusing on community-driven services as opposed to traditional shelter-driven services, HASS defines itself as a collaborative project to reimagine animal services to keep families together. In this episode Stacy and Kristen touch on how fostering benefits the physical and mental health of cats as opposed to the stress encountered in conventional shelter stays. They also discuss a surprising reaction to a recent statement issued by the National Animal Care & Control Association and how community cat programs create a more humane existence for animals, and animal control officers. To keep up with Kristen Hassen and all things Human Animal Support Services, follow HASS on Facebook and Instagram or learn more on their YouTube channel.

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Our mission is to provide education, information and dialogue that will create a supportive environment empowering people to help cats in their community. *For transcripts of most shows, visit