Episode 107: Questions With Quendra (feat. Marcy McCusker)

She spells Quendra with a "Qu" and so do we! Jenn is back with her friend Matt (@communiess) to chat with Marcy McCusker (@marcymccusker), who played Quendra on Community. The group discusses Marcy's career as a dancer, how she became an actor, what role on Community she initially auditioned for, behind-the-scenes stories, and much more!Enjoy the episode, everyone!Our recommended media:From Scratch (Netflix)"From Scratch: A Memoir of Love, Sicily, and Finding Home" by Tembi LockeAbbott Elementary (ABC/Hulu)Loot (Apple TV+)The Cleaning Lady (Fox/Hulu)Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for more fun content. Support the Loveland Therapy Fund for Black Women and Girls, and donate if you can to the ACLU Drag Defense Fund. 💖

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"TV is comfort. It's a friend you've known so well and for so long, you just let it be with you..." So listen in each week as cohosts and special guests rewatch their favorite TV shows and discuss characters, ships, and pivotal moments. From reality competitions to sitcoms and everything in between, we love talking about TV almost as much as we love rewatching it!