Episode 87: Consequential Origin Stories

We're almost done with Community season four, but before we wrap up it's time to unravel the quilt of destiny in "Heroic Origins"! Jenn is joined by returning guest, friend, and Cinema Gals cohost Morgan (@msmlroberts) as well as first-time guest Alex (@scripta_bene) to lovingly pick apart this penultimate episode. (Say that five times fast.)The group discusses what went right and awry, Morgan gives us all a film lesson, and the group talks about the fact that the Greendale Seven are apparent...

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"TV is comfort. It's a friend you've known so well and for so long, you just let it be with you..." So listen in each week as cohosts and special guests rewatch their favorite TV shows and discuss characters, ships, and pivotal moments. From reality competitions to sitcoms and everything in between, we love talking about TV almost as much as we love rewatching it!