Mythic Quest 3x03 Recap | "Crushing It"

It's time for another week of Mythic Quest! But this time with more mimosas and Bloody Marys!This week, Jenn and Chels (@chels725) are joined by their friend Matt (@communiess). And they're all crushing it (see what we did there?)! The group talks all about the Jo/Rachel/Poppy brunch storyline, the dynamics of female friendships, why David and Poppy want Ian's approval, and an unexpected Brad/Carol story at the office.Enjoy, everyone!Our recommended media:Loot (Apple TV+)The English (Am...

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"TV is comfort. It's a friend you've known so well and for so long, you just let it be with you..." So listen in each week as cohosts and special guests rewatch their favorite TV shows and discuss characters, ships, and pivotal moments. From reality competitions to sitcoms and everything in between, we love talking about TV almost as much as we love rewatching it!