Mythic Quest 3x07 Recap | "Sarian" (feat. Megan Ganz)

After some time off for the holidays, we're back to talk about Mythic Quest's standalone episode, which takes us into the past: specifically Ian and Poppy's pasts. It's time to talk about the beautiful and heartbreaking "Sarian"!Jenn and Chels (@chels725) are rejoined by last episode's guest, Alrinthea Carter (@alrinthea), to chat with our very talented, funny, basically-third-cohost of the podcast, Megan Ganz (@meganganz)! Meg talks about the process of creating this episode, Ian and Poppy's...

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"TV is comfort. It's a friend you've known so well and for so long, you just let it be with you..." So listen in each week as cohosts and special guests rewatch their favorite TV shows and discuss characters, ships, and pivotal moments. From reality competitions to sitcoms and everything in between, we love talking about TV almost as much as we love rewatching it!