5 Ways to Repurpose Content for Lead Generation

If you spend time consistently creating quality content then you know just how time consuming it can be. It’s so important that we maximize our return and we do so by content repurposing. However, all too often we look at repurposing by breaking long form content down (which is great to do)…but how about bringing long form content TOGETHER into even bigger masterpieces?! Bonus if those big, masterpieces of content can be used for lead generation. In podcast episode 110, I shared how you can break your content ideas down for a higher volume of in-depth content. In this episode I share how you can make your in-depth long form content even bigger, to gain new leads and grow your email list. Find out about: 5 ways to repurpose your content for lead generation  How repurposing can be about combining content together as well as breaking it down Smart ways to repurpose online content into print media You can read the full blog post and podcast episode here. (https://www.content10x.com/111)

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Maximize the return from every piece of content that you create! This podcast will teach you how to repurpose your content like a pro. Whether you're a podcaster, blogger or video content creator - creating great content is never easy. Neither is keeping up with the ever growing array of social media platforms. Content repurposing is a critical activity to ensure that your content finds it's audience and your message is heard. Amy Woods, Founder of Content 10x, reveals everything you need to know about content repurposing in biweekly episodes released every other Thursday! Find out more at www.content10x.com