How Storytelling and Repurposing Can 10x Case Studies

Ah, case studies – one of the most tried and tested marketing tools at any business’ disposal. Oh, case studies – one of the most tired and testing marketing tools when used incorrectly. They divide opinion, but it’s not the concept of case studies that can be problematic – it’s the execution. With a bit of repurposing magic, you can turn a stuffy old corporate nightmare into a jargon-busting, jaw-dropping, crowd-pleasing piece of storytelling. Okay, that might be overdoing it slightly, but you can definitely make your case studies more effective, compelling, and long-lasting with a repurposing mindset. Whether you’re sitting on a stack of old case studies or you’ve never written one before, I can show you how to energize them and make them go further with content repurposing. Find out about: What a case study is – and what its purpose should be How learning from literature can make your case studies more compelling The reasons case studies can be ineffective How to produce better quality case studies that are fit for repurposing Five ideas for how you can repurpose your case studies Important Links & Mentions: The Universal Shapes of Stories, According to Kurt Vonnegut ( Clever Ways to Repurpose Client Testimonials and Reviews ( Content 10x Podcast episode 97 How to Create Audiograms For Your Podcast: Wavve Vs Headliner ( The Talk Trigger Show by Jay Baer ( The Treasury Recruitment Company ( The Content 10x podcast ( The Content 10x blog ( The Content 10x book ( To listen to this podcast episode and read the blog post, click here (

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Maximize the return from every piece of content that you create! This podcast will teach you how to repurpose your content like a pro. Whether you're a podcaster, blogger or video content creator - creating great content is never easy. Neither is keeping up with the ever growing array of social media platforms. Content repurposing is a critical activity to ensure that your content finds it's audience and your message is heard. Amy Woods, Founder of Content 10x, reveals everything you need to know about content repurposing in biweekly episodes released every other Thursday! Find out more at