How to Repurpose Content for YouTube Shorts

Short, vertical video has taken over social media and it’s here to stay. The popularity of TikTok and Instagram Reels is impossible to ignore, and since its original launch in September 2020, there has been a huge rise in the significance of YouTube Shorts. So, how do these short videos differ from the others, and how can you utilize content repurposing to get noticed? In this episode, Amy looks at YouTube Shorts and dissects what you need to know when repurposing content for this feature.Find out:The differences between YouTube Shorts, TikTok and Instagram ReelsA step-by-step guide on how to use itWhy you should repurpose content for YouTube ShortsImportant links & mentions:Content 10x: 10x Newsletter: Episode 236 – TikTok for Business: How to Repurpose TikTok Videos: Episode 246 – Converting Short-Form New Fans to Long-Form Superfans: Earthweb’s report on YouTube statistics in 2022:,-2%20billion%20people&text=YouTube%20Shorts%20receives%2015%20billion,million%20YouTube%20Shorts%20creator's%20fund Filmora article: Creator Insider video: My book: (Content 10x: More Content, Less Time, Maximum Results)Amy Woods is the CEO and founder of Content 10x, the world’s first and longest-running specialist content repurposing agency that partners exclusively with B2B tech and professional services businesses.Amy is a best-selling author, hosts two content marketing podcasts (The Content 10x Podcast and B2B Content Strategist), and speaks on stages all over the world about the power of content repurposing.Join hundreds of business owners, content creators and marketers and get content repurposing tips and advice delivered straight to your inbox every week

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Maximize the return from every piece of content that you create! This podcast will teach you how to repurpose your content like a pro. Whether you're a podcaster, blogger or video content creator - creating great content is never easy. Neither is keeping up with the ever growing array of social media platforms. Content repurposing is a critical activity to ensure that your content finds it's audience and your message is heard. Amy Woods, Founder of Content 10x, reveals everything you need to know about content repurposing in biweekly episodes released every other Thursday! Find out more at