LinkedIn Algorithm Insights 2024: What You Need to Know

Need a little helping hand when it comes to creating content for LinkedIn? We’ve all been there. It continues to be the fastest-growing platform and has the potential to have a major impact on your brand and your company, not to mention your career trajectory.So when the annual Algorithm Insights report from Richard van der Blom and his team at Just Connecting gets released, we pay close attention. It’s always eye-opening to see what we can do to help our client’s content and boost our own while uncovering new ways repurposing content can help us reach our objectives for the platform. So we’ve pulled out some of the key insights and have broken them down in this episode.Curious to know how repurposing can help your LinkedIn content strategy? This episode is for you…Find out:What we consider to be the biggest insights in the reportWhat they mean for repurposing your content on LinkedInSpecific changes you should know about Important links & mentions:Repurposing from Long to Short with Erica Schneider Insights Report 2024 LinkedIn carousels are perfect for repurposing book: (Content 10x: More Content, Less Time, Maximum Results) Amy Woods is the CEO and founder of Content 10x, the world’s first and longest-running specialist content repurposing agency that partners exclusively with B2B tech and professional services businesses. Amy is a best-selling author, hosts two content marketing podcasts (The Content 10x Podcast and B2B Content Strategist), and speaks on stages all over the world about the power of content repurposing. Join hundreds of business owners, content creators and marketers and get content repurposing tips and advice delivered straight to your inbox every week

Om Podcasten

Maximize the return from every piece of content that you create! This podcast will teach you how to repurpose your content like a pro. Whether you're a podcaster, blogger or video content creator - creating great content is never easy. Neither is keeping up with the ever growing array of social media platforms. Content repurposing is a critical activity to ensure that your content finds it's audience and your message is heard. Amy Woods, Founder of Content 10x, reveals everything you need to know about content repurposing in biweekly episodes released every other Thursday! Find out more at