Zuckerberg VS Elon: Leaked Documents Give a First Look Instagram’s New “Twitter Look Alike App.”

On this week’s episode, Tim Stoddart (@timstodz) and Ethan Brooks (@damn_ethan) talk about a story that’s making the rounds, purporting to show a new decentralized social media app that Meta’s launching on the Instagram backbone. Why might they be doing this? And what does it mean for you?  Cool Stuff Mentioned In The Show The article from Daily Mail Lia Haberman, who broke the story Our debate on whether social media is a waste of time The article, what was Twitter anyways Cal Newport’s recent podcast on news companies leaving Twitter For more great insights, check out… Copyblogger Academy where you’ll learn the 3 skills you need to become an effective content entrepreneur in today’s world.

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The HeyCreator Show is for building your creator business. Each week, hosts Matt Ragland and Tim Forkin talk through all stages of the creator journey, intentionally designing each conversation to meet you where you’re at along the way. We’re sharing lessons from over a decade of helping digital creators launch and scale courses, communities, and coaching services — along with building newsletters, YouTube channels, and podcasts to millions of subscribers and downloads for our clients. For more about our show, company, and community go to heycreator.com.