TCC Podcast #345: Opening Up the Door to Curiosity with Kate Hollis

Kate Hollis is our guest on the 345th episode of The Copywriter Club Podcast. Kate is a copywriter and sales strategist whose alter ego is a librarian, but her skillset doesn’t stop there. Fueled by curiosity, she’s also on track to become a certified Enneagram practitioner. With her “hummingbird” mindset, she emphasizes the value of leading a curiosity-driven life, and how it can lead to a more fulfilling life and business. Here’s how the conversation goes: What’s the bus metaphor and how does it apply to business? Kate’s path to copywriting and owning a business. Why creating connections with others will help you become a better copywriter.  How to create an identity outside of your business.  Is simple messaging underrated? How to build your intellectual and emotional muscles. What is the Enneagram?  How books will help you become a more compassionate salesperson.  The benefits of using the Enneagram in your messaging and how it’ll benefit your ideal audience.  How the Enneagram can influence your sales funnels.  The do’s and don’ts of the Enneagram.  Could you be holding yourself back from essential growth? Tune into the episode below or by reading the transcript.   The people and stuff we mentioned on the  show: The Copywriter Think Tank Kira’s website Rob’s website Kate's website  The Copywriter Club Facebook Group The Copywriter Underground Free month of Brain.FM AI for Creative Entrepreneurs Podcast Full Transcript: Rob Marsh:  What is it about personality tests that draws us to them? From Myers-Briggs and StrengthsFinder to DiSC and the Enneagram and lots more besides those, humans tend to be attracted to tests and quizzes that promise to reveal something about ourselves and the people around us. Maybe it's our innate curiosity that drives this behavior. I don't know. But our guest for today's episode of The Copywriter Club podcast is copywriter and strategist Kate Hollis. And Kate is a certified Enneagram coach who uses that test a little differently than most other people do, as a way to think about positioning your offers. To hear how she does it, you're going to have to stay tuned. Kate also talked a bit about the books that she's read and how to stay curious as a creative. There's a lot to learn from her in this episode, so stay tuned. Kira Hug:  We also talk about poop in this episode, which Rob did not include in the intro, but I think it's the first time that we've ever talked about that. Rob Marsh:  Barely. It gets mentioned. Let's be honest. We didn't talk about it, mentioned it. Kira Hug:  It's the first time we've ever mentioned it on the podcast. Rob Marsh:  I think so. Kira Hug:  So I think it deserves some attention. Also, this podcast is sponsored by The Copywriter Think Tank, which is our mastermind, and I'm going to do something that you're not supposed to do as a copywriter. We're supposed to talk about benefits, but I'm going to talk about features today and everything that's included in the Think Tank. So I'm going to run through it, and Rob, let me know if I'm missing anything.

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IN-DEPTH INTERVIEWS WITH EXPERT COPYWRITERS... What if you could hang out with seriously talented copywriters and other experts; ask them about their successes and failures, their work processes and their habits; then steal an idea or two to inspire your own work? That’s what Kira Hug and Rob Marsh do every week at The Copywriter Club Podcast. Each new episode is an in-depth discussion with a different successful copywriter or content creator—packed with copywriting advice and ideas worth stealing and using in your own copy practice. They talk real numbers, rates and what writers are charging for work. They dig into sales funnels, work habits and what works on social media. And they ask the questions you really want to know the answers to. The goal is to help you think bigger about your copywriting business so you’ll reach higher than ever before.