TCC Podcast #347: Finding Your Why with Linda Perry

On the 347th episode of The Copywriter Club Podcast, Linda Perry makes her FOURTH appearance on the show. This episode acts as a friendly reminder to take care of your mindset especially in times of financial uncertainty and business (and life) plateaus. Linda shares how we can continue to grow our mindset toolbelt, so we can stop getting in our own way. Here’s how the episode goes: How Linda’s work has changed over the last few years.  Her dream of moving to Europe and how she made it happen.  What’s the challenge with selling something like mindset? The real reason you keep coming back to your mindset struggles.  How finding your why will help you craft messaging and communicate better.  What tools should copywriters add to their business?  Here’s the real problem with continually purchasing courses and programs.  The 5 traps keeping you from business confidence.  What’s the difference between worth base and value base? Are we telling ourselves a story that keeps us stuck? How to focus on what we can control. Can you be the solution AND the problem in your business?  Why Linda paused her podcast and grew her client roster. The importance of having a sounding board.  The simple shift that’ll help you save time and energy in your business.  Why you shouldn’t be afraid to do something because someone else is doing it.  How defining success will keep you from feelings of shame.  Is the Think Tank the right program for you? Tune into the episode by hitting play or reading the transcript below. The people and stuff we mentioned on the  show: The Copywriter Think Tank Kira’s website Rob’s website Linda's website  The Copywriter Club Facebook Group The Copywriter Underground Free month of Brain.FM AI for Creative Entrepreneurs Podcast Full Transcript: Rob Marsh:  Longtime listeners to this podcast will recognize a recurring topic that we revisit from time to time, and that's mindset. Your mindset as a copywriter, as a business owner, as a problem solver impacts everything that you do in your work. It often determines whether you land that client that you've been dreaming of or hit the goals that you've set. And when it comes to mindset, our go-to expert is Linda Perry. She's the guest for this episode of The Copywriter Club Podcast. Linda is a mindset coach who has helped hundreds of copywriters deal with the head trash that gets in the way of all of our success. She's a coach inside the Copywriter Think Tank, and we invited her to talk with us about the challenges facing copywriters, content writers, and other marketers today. Kira Hug:  But first, this podcast episode is sponsored by the Copywriter Think Tank. And I'm not going to share a whole lot about the Think Tank because we talk about it with Linda in depth and we talk about a lot of the struggles and wins Copywriter Think Tank members have experienced. Linda is a Think Tank alumni member. So we dive pretty deep into what's possible with the Think Tank in this episode. So stay tuned and if you like what you're hearing about the Think Tank and what's possible, you can learn more at copywriterthinktank.

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IN-DEPTH INTERVIEWS WITH EXPERT COPYWRITERS... What if you could hang out with seriously talented copywriters and other experts; ask them about their successes and failures, their work processes and their habits; then steal an idea or two to inspire your own work? That’s what Kira Hug and Rob Marsh do every week at The Copywriter Club Podcast. Each new episode is an in-depth discussion with a different successful copywriter or content creator—packed with copywriting advice and ideas worth stealing and using in your own copy practice. They talk real numbers, rates and what writers are charging for work. They dig into sales funnels, work habits and what works on social media. And they ask the questions you really want to know the answers to. The goal is to help you think bigger about your copywriting business so you’ll reach higher than ever before.