TCC Podcast #350: Set Yourself Up for Q3 Success with Rob Marsh and Kira Hug

350 episodes and over 1.5 million downloads later, Rob and Kira sit down to chat about... pitching (and phones?). From setting intentions for a new season to setting your business up for success in Q3, you'll walk away from this episode with ideas and actionable steps you can use right now  in your business. Catch up with Rob and Kira to find out: The sure-fire way to gain clients in Q3.  How Kira’s flip-phone project is going. Creating a theme for a new season.  What summer on this side of the globe means for Rob and Kira. What’s new with TCC this summer? The do’s and don’t’s of pitching and why copywriters need to focus on this instead.  Is your ego getting in the way of new clients? What business activities can help you come out of a slow season? How are copywriters getting paid right now? What’s new on the AI for Creative Entrepreneurs podcast? The people and stuff we mentioned on the  show: The Copywriter Underground Annual Membership --> Get P7 for Free The Copywriter Think Tank Kira’s website Rob’s website The Copywriter Club Facebook Group The Copywriter Underground Free month of Brain.FM AI for Creative Entrepreneurs Podcast Full Transcript: Rob Marsh:  I am Rob Marsh. Kira Hug:  I am Kira Hug, and we are the host of the Copywriter Club podcast. We are the host who did not introduce ourselves for 350 episodes or at least 340 episodes. We did not ever introduce ourselves. Rob Marsh:  We fixed that. We're here. This is just a conversation between you and me, Kira and Rob, and hopefully if you're tuning into this episode, you're interested in some of the updates that we have coming up, but we also want to talk a little bit about what's going on in the economy and the industry and what's working for people right now. We'll get to that in just a minute as well. Kira, let's kick this off. I was talking to our team just the other day. We literally hit 80 degrees for maybe the second time this year a couple days ago, Summer finally started here. Let's just talk about our summer plans. What's going on with you this summer? Kira Hug:  Yeah, I will have some travel in July. I know you and I are both traveling in July and my travel includes actually staying within my state and staying at a couple cabins in Maine, in the woods and just having more of a rustic experience. I know you have a trip. I think the same week I'm gone. I don't even know where you're going. Rob Marsh:  My daughter is playing in Junior Olympics water polo tournament. We are going to turn that travel into a little bit of a beach vacation. We're going to spend a couple days at the beach, maybe check out an amusement park one day. My kids are older. The Disney Land, Disney World type thing doesn't really work for us anymore. Kira Hug:  That's so sad. Rob Marsh:  Rollercoasters are still fun and paying for overpriced amusement park food, we might do that one day, but I think we're going to spend a lot of time sitting with our toes in the sand listening to the waves crash on the beach because we don't get that here a whole lot in Salt Lake.

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IN-DEPTH INTERVIEWS WITH EXPERT COPYWRITERS... What if you could hang out with seriously talented copywriters and other experts; ask them about their successes and failures, their work processes and their habits; then steal an idea or two to inspire your own work? That’s what Kira Hug and Rob Marsh do every week at The Copywriter Club Podcast. Each new episode is an in-depth discussion with a different successful copywriter or content creator—packed with copywriting advice and ideas worth stealing and using in your own copy practice. They talk real numbers, rates and what writers are charging for work. They dig into sales funnels, work habits and what works on social media. And they ask the questions you really want to know the answers to. The goal is to help you think bigger about your copywriting business so you’ll reach higher than ever before.