78 - Lucullus III: Betrayal

The fall and political struggles of the great Lucullus, rival of Pompey and Caesar.Cost of Glory Men's Retreat 2024 application open! - costofglory.com/retreat Thanks to our sponsor Ancient Language Institute - Tutoring now available:Latin: https://ancientlanguage.com/latin-tutorials/ Ancient Greek: https://ancientlanguage.com/ancient-greek-tutorials/ Cicero's Pro Archiahttps://www.attalus.org/cicero/archias.html People in this episode: Mithridates, King of Pontus Tigranes, King of Armenia Clodius, the Brother in Law Pompey Clodia, the Bad WifeServilia, also a Bad Wife Cato the Younger Cicero Caesar Places in this episode:Tigranokert Artaxata Nisibis Pontus Armenia Rome 

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