First Step to Fighting for Others

#006 Often times we don't get involved with injustices that break our hearts because we think it will be too complicated and too hard. However the first step is easy, low cost (or even free), and you can do it from the comfort of your own home.

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Tune in every week for motivational messages to help you live out of your amazing worth, because you are valuable and desperately needed in this world. In the aftermath of being sexually assaulted, Host and Empowerment Coach, Ashley Baxter, learned how to value herself as she fought for herself in her healing journey. She learned the value of loving yourself and having the confidence to show up in the world as your true self. The Courageous Worth Podcast is here to help you do the same. Hit subscribe and get ready to live with courageous worth. *This podcast is not a medical treatment and should not be seen as a substitute for therapy or medication.*