Episode 128 - Plotting your journey to traditional publishing success with Derek Künsken

This episode is a conversation with the author and international speaker Derek Künsken. Derek is a Canadian writer who learned the trade with short stories. For a number of years now his work has been accepted by some of the premier magazines in SciFi including Asimov. Derek now has an agent, has signed a two-book deal and is negotiating a further deal and is published in multiple territories and languages. In this conversation, we talk about the transition to novel writing, how to introduce compelling themes and characters, and the perils of hitting the Strunk and White 'Kool-aid'!

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The Creative Writers Toolbelt gives practical accessible advice and encouragement to Creative writers. Each episode explores an aspect of creative writing technique, with examples, allowing you to apply what you learn immediately to your writing. We also throw in the occasional interview with writers and other artists, exploring their wisdom on subjects like story, style, character and the writing process