Amy Guth - Why Words Matter

How do you find the words, when events leave you speechless? That's one of the questions that faced Los Angeles-based screenwriter and producer Amy Guth during the recent wildfires.   During this episode, Thom Serafin gets curious about writer's block and hidden narratives with Amy. This is a conversation about getting started on a book, on a film, on anything. Plus, you'll learn how Guth became a baroness.   Amy Guth also hosts two podcasts: Crain's Daily Gist and Words Matter. You can read her blog Writing for Weird Times on Substack.

Om Podcasten

The Crisis Cast is a conversational journey in business leadership during a crisis. Our cast of experts review crisis management scenarios and provide resources for navigating uncharted waters. Each episode is moderated by renowned crisis communicators Lissa Druss and Thom Serafin.