Clare Takash - Healing Through Songs

Music therapy is innovating every day. Yet much of the practice is misunderstood. Clare Takash joins Lissa & Thom during this episode to explain her journey to becoming a music therapist at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.   Music therapy provides the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions for patients with autism, trauma survivors, Parkinson's disease, and more. Clare can even be seen soothing families in Rush Hospital's neo-natal unit. Patients may need a rhythmic "prescription" or a melody — the methods are never as simple as they seem. Listen as Clare shares her strategies, and some soul-stirring survival stories.

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The Crisis Cast is a conversational journey in business leadership during a crisis. Our cast of experts review crisis management scenarios and provide resources for navigating uncharted waters. Each episode is moderated by renowned crisis communicators Lissa Druss and Thom Serafin.