#24: Brian & Mikkel - Derfor fejler 50% af produktlanceringer i B2B virksomheder (Del 1)

I denne epsiode taler Brian & Mikkel omkring indholdet og implikationerne af Kvadrant Consulting's seneste publikation: "The Campfire Launch". De taler om de 5 mest hyppigste grunde til at produktlanceringer fejler for B2B virksomheder, og hvordan du kan undgå disse faldgrupper. Rigtig god fornøjelse. 

Om Podcasten

"Where will growth come from?" An old question that increasingly needs new answers, as buyer behaviour is evolving, buyers increasingly self-educate and old sales & marketing tactics are under pressure. This podcast is for sales, growth & marketing professionals that are looking for new and smarter ways of growing. Driven by sales & marketing nerds from Kvadrant Consulting, a growth-focused management consultancy from Copenhagen, we explore topics across the sales & marketing spectrum with a mix of commercial leaders and internal experts. Happy listening and looking forward to put growth on the agenda! - Formerly known as "The CRO Podcast".