083: :has() tips and tricks
In this episode Una and Adam expand on episode 61 about :has() by focusing specifically on use cases, tips and tricks. Get inspired and discover new ways to make reactive UI from CSS. Resources: Ep 61 → https://goo.gle/4cID6pE Piccali → https://goo.gle/4ePKJMG Ahmad Shadeed → https://goo.gle/4bsk85F The Looper → https://goo.gle/3yKmXkI Una Kravets (co-host) Twitter | Instagram | YouTube Making the web more colorful ✨🎨 Web DevRel @googlechrome Unicorn face host of @toolsday & Designing in the Browser 🎬 Adam Argyle (co-host) Twitter | Instagram | YouTube@GoogleChrome CSS DevRel; @CSSWG; VisBug maker; punk; CSS/JS/UX addict; 💀🤘