085: Linear easing function fun
In this episode Una and Adam cover the linear() CSS easing function that can create bounce and spring effects. Resources: Ep 22 on Animation → https://goo.gle/4frnp8y linear() generator → https://goo.gle/46xs2JZ Complex animation curves in CSS with linear() → https://goo.gle/4ftm0Oz Open Props premade spring and bounce variables → https://goo.gle/46uaGOc Una Kravets (co-host) Twitter | Instagram | YouTube Making the web more colorful ✨🎨 Web DevRel @googlechrome Unicorn face host of @toolsday & Designing in the Browser 🎬 Adam Argyle (co-host) Twitter | Instagram | YouTube@GoogleChrome CSS DevRel; @CSSWG; VisBug maker; punk; CSS/JS/UX addict; 💀🤘