088: State queries
In this episode, Una and Adam discuss a future web capability that builds on container queries: state queries. From CSS, this feature will be able to detect if a container is overflowing, when an element is scroll snapped, and when an element is stuck from position: sticky. Resources: :stuck, :snapped, :on-screen, etc → https://goo.gle/3WVhSi6 state queries syntax → https://goo.gle/3T2gI33 explainer → https://goo.gle/3XevW7x Intent To Prototype → https://goo.gle/3Au8rOY Scroll Snap Events → https://goo.gle/47koXO1 Una Kravets (co-host) Twitter → https://goo.gle/452aBRb YouTube → https://goo.gle/457oMnS Making the web more colorful ✨🎨 Web DevRel @googlechrome Unicorn face Host of Tools Today → https://goo.gle/4aI6JpC & Designing in the Browser 🎬 → https://goo.gle/4e4YTcM Adam Argyle (co-host) Twitter → https://goo.gle/3yFnHYu Instagram → https://goo.gle/3wUb6QJ YouTube → https://goo.gle/4dZNKK7 @GoogleChrome CSS DevRel; @CSSWG; VisBug maker; punk; CSS/JS/UX addict; 💀🤘 CSSWG → https://goo.gle/4bFErxq VisBug → https://goo.gle/4bDcVQZ The CSS Podcast #CSSpodcast Watch more The CSS Podcast → https://goo.gle/CSSpodcast Subscribe to Chrome for Developers → https://goo.gle/ChromeDevs #CSSPodcast #ChromeForDevelopers #Chrome Speaker: Una Kravets, Adam Argyle